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Vocational Services

Paula Teacher & Associates, Inc. is an organization that assists individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities in securing employment within their community.


We conduct a skill and interest assessment with each applicant and assist them with identifying the type of work they are most interested in and identify the skills necessary to perform that work.  We provide the potential employee with skills training and assist them in securing employment


Benefits for Employers

  • A dedicated employee who is ready, willing and able to work.

  • An employee who will show up for work.

  • An employee who is willing to learn.

  • On the job support for the new employee and employer.

  • On the job training.

  • Guaranteed satisfaction with job performance.


Vocational Specialists remain with the employee on job until the employer is satisfied with the work quality and production level of the newly hired employee.  Job support is also able to return in the event job duties change or performance issues occur, in order to return to maximum job performance.



Paula Teacher & Associates, Inc. 

Copyright © 2024 Paula Teacher & Associates,  Inc.

6149 Saltsburg Road Suite 4

Verona PA 15147


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